When setting out to decorate your baby’s nursery, of course you want everything to be perfect. And adorable. You also want baby’s space to be peaceful and nurturing. Did you know that as babies develop all five senses, they are sensitive to the energy of their surroundings? Good Feng Shui (a Chinese-originated belief that your environment gives off energy and affects your success, health & happiness) engages all five senses, so in a sense, babies are born fans of Feng Shui!

Here are 5 suggestions on how to Feng Shui your baby’s nursery from Tisha Morris, author of “Mind, Body, Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time”:


Engage Senses:

Listening to classical or soft music in the nursery is recommended. Textured items that baby can touch and feel are encouraged. Use a natural aromatherapy in the nursery, such as lavender in an oil diffuser. A mobile above baby’s crib is recommended to give a sense of something there as opposed to vast open space (practically-speaking, mobiles are great for developing eyesight, too)!

Classic children room with white palette.

Reduce Clutter:

While baby may not be able to see clutter in the room, he or she can pick it up energetically. In fact, their sixth sense is the strongest, which makes them extremely sensitive to their surroundings. Although babies like small spaces, the nursery shouldn’t feel crowded due to clutter. If possible, it shouldn’t be a room that is also used for storage or other functions. Good Feng Shui also suggests not storing items underneath the crib, except for soft linens.

Colorful playroom interior.

Practice Organization Early:

Somewhat surprisingly, children love organization, as it provides them with a sense of boundaries. Organization is a learned behavior that is picked up at early age, so set a good example. Designate specific places for clothes and toys. As your child grows, start teaching them how to clean up after themselves and where certain items go.

A 3 month old baby boy laying in his crib looking up at a mobile.

Choose a Soft Color Palette:

When picking out your color scheme, avoid primary colors if possible. Colors emit a lot of energy, particularly the wall color of a room. The bolder the color, the more energy it emits. The softer the color, the calmer it will be on a child’s energy (pastels and monotones are calming to the nervous system).

Laughing baby boy standing in bed

Choose Furniture Mindfully:

Babies want to feel safe, protected, and cradled, but over-sized furniture can feel overbearing. Avoid large pieces and those with sharp corners. Also, consider the energy contained in family pieces and whether it is positive or negative energy that you want carried forward for your child.