What is a
A counterfeit is a fraudulent imitation, a forgery, the passing off an imitation product as authentic brand name product.
Why this
Many counterfeit WubbaNub products have been brought to our attention. Other brands copy WubbaNub products, and oftentimes they can look confusingly similar to WubbaNub designs. Counterfeit products can appear to be the same as the brand but may be made of poor quality and fused in an unsafe manner that can be hazardous to child safety.
WubbaNub takes pride in the extensive testing of our products to ensure safety and quality for our families. In an effort to protect our efforts, WubbaNub vigorously pursues counterfeits and we encourage our loyal families to report counterfeits by emailing customerservice@wubbanub.com.

How to
identify an authentic
Below are some details that will help our families avoid encounters with counterfeit products.
WubbaNubs are only available through authorized stores, see store locator. WubbaNubs are not offered for individual sales or street vendors.
WubbaNub has a core line of friends in addition to some exclusive styles offered only through our Amazon authorized dealers, Mass Market retailers, such as buybuy BABY, Target, Nordstrom or our licensing partner, Mary Meyer.
Due to a recent change in manufacturing to minimize waste, there are pelleted and non-pelleted WubbaNubs on the market. We kindly ask that you refer to your WubbaNub packaging and attached tag to confirm product contents.
Soft, cozy, simply adorable, and designed for little hands to hold onto.
Our WubbaNub family of friends are available in 5 types of packaging:
Please visit our store locator for a list of authorized WubbaNub partners. For any questions please call our customer service department, 203.799.7633 or email customerservice@wubbanub.com