We love arts and crafts projects here at Wubbanub. And there is no end to the creative projects you can do with your child, even when they’re babies! Yes, they may be covered in paint by the time you’ve finished, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right? Here are our suggestions!

Tummy Time Finger Painting

We love Can Do Kiddo‘s idea to multi-task while your baby completes their tummy time! To encourage a longer period of head and neck strengthening, try this sensory play experiment by putting paint on paper inside a plastic bag and letting them mash in the paint themselves, thus creating their first art work. More details on her blog. Genius!

Photo credit: www.candokiddo.com

Photo credit: www.candokiddo.com

Sea Star Footprint Art

One summer-themed art project seems appropriate! We love this sea star footprint art by Easy Peasy and Fun. Who knew baby’s feet could be used to create so many different kinds of shapes and objects?

Mess Free Golf Ball Painting

Can Do Kiddo is back again with another fun project for babies, and this one uses golf balls. Points for originality! Promoting the use of two hands, place paper and globs of paint (plus 2 golf balls) in a cake pan with lid. Let them shake it around and watch their masterpiece take shape!

Photo credit: www.candokiddo.com

Photo credit: www.candokiddo.com

Scented Edible No-cook Finger Paint

It’s time to get messy. Fun at Home with Kids has created an easy (and completely non-toxic) finger paint that’s not only scented but edible. Get a big roll of paper and let your baby go to town!