Let’s face it, if you grew up in the 90’s, you know it was a fantastic time to be a kid. We spent most of our time playing outside; iPads and social media not a thought in our minds (yet). With the rapid innovations in technology and the birth of the social media era in the years since, it’s nice to reminisce on simpler times for a bit. Below, we’ve rounded up five of our childhood toy favorites:
1. Super Soaker

Via: Wikipedia
Perfect for water wars, the iconic Nerf Super Soaker 50 was nothing short of a necessity for the dog days of summer.
2. Video Game Consoles

via WikiCommons
If you considered yourself somewhat of a gamer kid, you were either Team Sega or Team Nintendo®. Nintendo® kids grew up playing games like Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong country while Sega kids were enthralled with the Sonic and Knuckles saga, Mortal Kombat and Streets of Rage. Whichever retro game console was your favorite, you most likely share the memories of huddling around your family room’s television set playing. You may have even faced the common frustration of the frozen TV screen, resulting in having to blow on the game cartridge itself (fun fact: this actually did nothing to fix the frozen screen after all!)
3. Moon Shoes

via: Everydayhealth.com
These were the ultimate boredom-be-gone shoes! Do you remember the first time you strapped (or should we say velcroed) your feet into these mini trampolines? Believe it or not, you can still buy them.
4. Easy Bake Oven

Via: inhabitat.com
If you were lucky enough to have one of these mini ovens as a kid, you know it really gave meaning to the phrase ‘treat yo self!
5. Little Tykes® Cozy Coupe

Via: little tykes
This car was a staple back for the toddlers who’ve got places to go and people to see. You don’t have to take a trip down memory lane to find it, the modern version of this classic is still around.